I am writing to ask all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in 7th Burgess Hill (St Andrews) Scout Group for assistance in one of our major fundraising events of the year, namely the Burgess Hill Party in the Park and Town Day on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th June 2017.

The Leaders and Executive team are working behind the scenes to get everything ready and we are looking for volunteers to help man the stalls that we will be running on both days.

You can find out more about the Party In The Park event by looking at their Facebook page here – https://www.facebook.com/partyintheparkpage

The event runs from midday to 8pm on Saturday 10th June, although we’ll be there earlier and later than that to setup at the start and clearup at the finish.

As a general guideline, we are looking for assistance at the following times:-

Beavers – 12pm to 3pm
Cubs – 3pm to 6pm
Scouts – 6pm to 9pm

We need young person’s help for approximately an hour each within these times so there will be plenty of opportunity to enjoy the day outside of helping man our stalls.

We also looking for similar assistance on the following day, Sunday 11th June 2017 for the Burgess Hill Town Day, this runs from 11am to 4pm.

We shall be leaving sign-up forms at the Beavers, Cubs and Scout sessions in the next few weeks for you to sign up your young persons, or alternatively simply just reply to this email and let me know!


Do any of you run your own business (or know someone who does) in the catering, printing or stationary trade? or can help us loan some Doughnut Droppers, Tea Urns or additional sponsorship? Please let me know, this could make a huge difference in helping the Scout Group get organised for these events.


Mark Scholfield
Group Secretary
7th Burgess Hill (St Andrews) Scout Group